Speak out against bus
• FURTHER to Sue Pritchard’s letter (Speak out to prevent changes to bus route, Dec 28), I write to advise residents of Prince of Wales Road of the importance of responding to the proposal to extend the 393 bus route along our road.
Transport for London has sent out a leaflet asking for residents’ views. The tear-off slip in the leaflet needs to be returned by January 15. Alternatively, you can email your views to customerservices@tfl-buses.co.uk.
Further information on the route changes can be obtained from London Buses Customer Services (ref: 393), Tel: 0845 300 7000 or website: tfl.gov.uk/busrouteconsultation.
In a preliminary survey carried out by the Haverstock Triangle Residents and Tenants Association, we found virtually no-one in favour of extending the bus route along Prince of Wales Road.
Make sure your voice is heard by conveying your opinions to TfL.
Prince of Wales Road, NW5