Councillor Philp works hard for us
• I AM writing in response to the inaccurate letter from the local Labour Party Chair last week (Backdoor political letters are cowardly, Jan 4).
No wonder people are turned off politics when politicians come up with nonsense like that! Contrary to her innuendo, I have been extremely active on behalf of Gospel Oak residents since being elected in May.
I have successfully supported the end to borough-wide clamping and the establishment of a new school in the north of the borough – exactly as promised when I stood for election.
I have also assisted over 100 of my neighbours here with large and small matters ranging from helping to find funding for a new heating system in a block where the residents were freezing cold through to helping a disabled lady get a blue badge through to getting the gate to a council block mended.
I believe that my recent selection as the Conservative Party’s Parliamentary Candidate at a meeting open to all residents underlines this track record of local public service, which I look forward to energetically continuing – as a local councillor and as a parliamentary candidate.
CLLR ChHRIS PHILP (Con, Gospel Oak)
Conservative Parliamentary Candidate, Hampstead & Kilburn
• REGARDING a letter in your pages last week claiming Chris Philp has not been seen much, I would rather have a councillor who actually does things than is merely seen to be doing things.
I have no interest in any political party but I have an interest in my neighbourhood.
Chris Philp has been working with residents of my neighbourhood to ensure that Network Rail clean graffiti off their unsightly derelict substation on the edge of the Heath that many flats overlook.
He is trying to persuade them to tear it down and make room for more allotments or just greenery. He has spent many hours finding funding for a new heating system in the Kiln Place block where the residents were freezing.
He attends meetings for the elderly, for youth and for the Mansfield Neighbourhood Association. He answers letters personally and even follows up on matters.
We’ve had councillors who are only interested in projects that can get their photo in the press. Let’s not criticise Cllr Philp if he works in a less glamorous but more productive way.
Savernake Road, NW3
• FURTHER to the letter in the CNJ (Back Door Political Letters are Cowardly, Jan 4), Sally Gimson states that Councillor Chris Philp has not been seen in the Gospel Oak ward since his election.
Without expressing any political preference at all, this statement is subject to dispute.
He has helped me personally with the problem of a neighbour’s overgrown garden, he has found the funding to restore Kiln Place’s heating problems and he has given support and help to the South End Green Association in its efforts as guardian of the Green, to mention just three of his activities – he is always available and willing to deal with problems which arise affecting Gospel Oak ward which covers part of South End Green.
Chair – SEGA
Constantine Road, NW3