Sad tree tale
• THREE years ago Camden Council planted a row of six saplings outside the parade of shops opposite Bedford Avenue at the Oxford Street end of Tottenham Court Road.
That stretch of pavement is in much need of such beautification.
Sadly one of the trees was swiftly uprooted and lost, its space asphalted over and abandoned. A second was apparently reversed into by a lorry or van mounting the pavement, but miraculously it clung to life for more than a year until finally pushed over before Christmas.
Alas I see that a third, and hitherto successful, tree has been systematically stripped of all its branches by vandals.
I know Camden saved £85,000 recently by re-tendering its contract for tree care. May we hope that the council will not give in to vandals but will use some of that money saved to replant the three vacant spaces?
Bedford Avenue