TfL are just taking the mickey out of us
• TRANSPORT for London claims to be carrying out a consultation exercise with local communities affected by their proposal to extend the route of the 393 bus.
Kentish Town councillors have now held a very well-attended public meeting in response to Leighton Road residents’ concerns about the effects on their lives of something around 170 bus movements a day along a not very wide residential road.
Two things emerged from the meeting which throw grave doubt on whether Transport for London has any real interest in engaging with or genuinely consulting the community affected.
TFL refused to attend the meeting to answer questions from the public – despite being requested to do so by councillors. It also claims to have distributed consultation leaflets to all residents affected by the bus route. Yet over half of those attending the meeting, which was a fair cross section of the community, had not received it.
Leighton Road, NW5
• YOUR correspondent,Yinka Akindele’s objections to the 393 bus route through Kentish Town are shared by the vast majority of residents along the route.
We had a meeting with Camden Council, who support our objections, on January 9, at which many more objections were raised, and alternative routes were suggested. Tfl declined our invitation to attend, so we have no idea what their reasons are for choosing Leighton Road, Castle Road and Prince of Wales Road, which have never had permanent bus routes along them.
The alternative routes are much more suitable and we have informed Tfl of them but have had no comment.
Finally, I should like to comment on the high-handed way we, residents and council-tax payers, have been treated. Is it really the Mayor’s intent that his Strategy for Transport should steam-roller us, without giving us the chance to communicate our concerns?
Leighton Road, NW5