More misery as Tube trains are cut
TRAVEL chaos on the Northern Line is about to get worse after it was announced that its trains are to be cut from 30 to 28 an hour.
Gospel Oak Tory councillor Chris Philp is pressing for Tube Lines, the company which manages the line, to spend more on replacing dilapidated track and signalling which are causing daily delays and have prompted the cut in trains.
Cllr Philp has spent two mornings this week at Hampstead and Belsize Park stations, handing out questionnaires to travellers. He wants London Underground to investigate whether it can fine the company.
Cllr Philp said: “Tube Lines make a profit of $50m a year, yet they are incompetent. They need to be held to account and if they are not performing they need to face financial penalties.”
A Tube Lines spokesman said the new signalling would be ready by 2011, and teams of engineers were working each night to replace old track. He added: “Much of the track and signalling is 40, 60 or even 80 years old. We have to spend to make it more reliable.”