Bang to rights over planning
• I HAVE lost confidence in the decision over the King’s Cross project. I would encourage wholeheartedly those who wish to apply to the Court for a judicial review with respect of the KX project.
In view of recent evidence which has come to light, an enquiry should also be commissioned by the new council to review the general demeanour and performance of Town Hall officials over the more controversial planning applications recommended by them in recent past and/or any outstanding applications.
I am personally disgusted by all that is unravelling about planning. I smell a rat. The council must put a stop to this sort of unacceptable behaviour. Why should residents suffer for ever because of the incompetence or negligence of Town Hall officials and weak councillors?
Well Walk,NW3
• WHAT the devil has been going on in Camden over planning? (Officials overruling elected councillors is disaster for all, Jan 18)
Planning officials making secret deals with private developers. This is a scandal!
Aspen Grove, NW3
• I WOULD like to clarify some of the misunderstandings about council officers’ role in the planning process. Planning is a democratic process and elected councillors have the ultimate responsibility for Camden’s decisions.
Planning is increasingly technical, and in making our decisions, the Development Control Committee values the reports from planning officers that set out the facts of each of the cases.
But we as elected members reach the decision in each of these cases. We hear planning officers’ recommendations and then decide what weight to give to different, and sometimes competing, policies or particular circumstances.
Where we disagree with a planning officer’s recommendation it is because we have reached a different conclusion on its overall merits not because we consider the advice is incorrect.
In these circumstances, councillors expect officers to then outline the possible legal and financial implications for the council.
A decision on a case could be appealed and referred to an independent Planning Inspector, the outcome of which is uncertain and if lost could result in the council becoming liable for costs
I’m sure that taxpayers will understand that in this situation planning officers must give elected councillors clear advice of the risk. But again the end decision is ours as elected councillors.
Chair of Development Control Committee
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