Wonder what goes on inside the Whittington?
• ANYONE walking along McDonald Road in Archway cannot help but notice the vast changes that have taken place to the outward appearance of the Whittington hospital. But what is going on inside the hospital?
As residents of Islington, and hospital users, we are extremely concerned about some of the things we have heard are going on in the Whittington in order to make savings of £11 million before the April 1 this year.
Apparently, work that was previously done in house by workers employed in the public sector is being outsourced into the private sector.
Privatisation of hospital cleaning has already made hospitals dirtier. The health of Islington residents is far too important to be put at risk by further outsourcing and privatisation of health workers jobs.
We have been told by Whittington staff that nurses and ward clerks are rushed off their feet and that nine matrons have been reduced to two modern matrons. That secretarial services are being outsourced offshore to be done by workers who are paid a lot less than the secretaries employed at the Whittington and who have no local knowledge whatsoever of the patients records and appointments that they are dealing with.
And that there are also plans to outsource the work of staff in outpatients, pharmacists, sterile services and management jobs.
What really concerns us is that while profound changes are clearly taking place at the Whittington, residents are not consulted or informed about them even though they could have an enormous impact on the health services delivered to the people of the borough.
We challenge David Sloman, Chief Executive of the Whittington Hospital NHS Trust, to be open and honest in your pages by informing the residents of Islington exactly what is going on in the Whittington hospital.
Islington Trades Union Council
Romilly Road, N4