Help out the homeless
• I WOULD like to draw attention to the Big Issue magazine. I buy it every week and would like to encourage others to do so.
I think it is very interesting, very informative, useful and helpful. Please let it be your good deed for the week at a mere £1.40. Please buy, also to help the vendor buy a cheap cup of coffee and something to eat – something we take for granted. Plus it would be good to recognise that person selling the Big Issue with a ‘hello’ and a ‘how are you’. After all the vendor is a human being just like you or me.
I often see people rushing by without a glance of what is going on around them. Why run when you can walk and see and feel the beauty surrounding you – such as the blue sky, clouds and beautiful buildings, architecture etc.
Why buy the usual everyday papers which I think can be very depressing and often what you read today – you read yesterday.
Who wants to know about somebody else’s private sex life or what they are wearing, who they are having an affair with, who cares!
The news can be seen on TV.
Refrain from the habit of buying rubbish papers – you are just making people richer than they need to be.
(Full name and address supplied)