There’s still plenty for elderly to worry about
• CLLR Davies’s article has done nothing to allay my suspicions about the future of sheltered housing (Help us to keep elderly in a home of their own, Feb 8).
He asks if “people would be happier in independently managed homes where quality remains high and costs are lower?”
Should we be inviting one of the many voluntary organisations to run homes? High quality and lower costs strikes me as contradictory
There have been countless examples of services taken into the private sector with resultant high costs and myriad inefficiencies.
I have read the 36 pages of Serving Older People on the internet and wonder what is meant by the statement: “To enable residents to remain in their own homes with appropriate levels of care and support may result in the recommissioning of some schemes.”
What does this recommissioning entail I wonder. The 36-page document would have benefited from a lucid summary and explicit conclusions.
Ruth Wreford
Ashdown Crescent Sheltered Housing, NW5 |