Mob killing
suspect goes on the run
A TEENAGER suspected of killing Mahir Osman skipped
police bail and went on the run this week.
The boy, who has not been named, was one of 24 Haringey youths
arrested within minutes of 18-year-old Mahirs murder outside
Camden Town Tube a fortnight ago.
He failed to attend an interview at Holborn Police Station on
Thursday and it is understood that detectives have not been
able to trace him since.
The revelation by Kentish Town Inspector John Daly at a meeting
of the Camden Somali Forum on Sunday came less than two weeks
after Mahirs family demanded to know from Home Secretary
Charles Clarke why charges had not yet been brought.
The New Journal revealed on February 2 that senior officers
feared suspects may attempt to skip bail and leave the country
before they are charged and remanded in custody. None of the
suspects has been required to hand in their passports.
Borough Commander Mark Heath said in the wake of the murder
that he was confident charges up to and including murder would
be brought.
Mahirs murder was captured on CCTV and two dozen suspects
were arrested on a number 253 bus within minutes just 100 yards
from the murder scene in Camden Road. Weapons were recovered
from both the murder scene and the bus. Four youths who escaped
arrest at the scene by smashing a window on the top deck and
jumping down have yet to be identified.
A 25th suspect was arrested in the street but later cleared
of any involvement.
Speaking on Tuesday Detective Superintendent John Sweeney, who
is overseeing the investigation, said he was confident that
further suspects would not skip bail and that appropriate charges
would eventually be brought. He said: Theres nothing
to suggest that they will not return; they have come back once
so they will come back again.
He said officers would not risk the investigation by bringing
rushed charges, adding: The history of investigations
in the Metropolitan Police has shown on several occasions that
by acting too hastily and not conducting the proper, methodical,
professional investigation, you end up with problems.
Whilst I want the case to be resolved quickly along with
everyone else, weve got to ensure that when any case comes
to court that the evidence is admissible and that justice is
seen to be done for everyone. |