goals they should be banned
said there would be weeks like this, when everything goes wrong.
It started with Arsenal scrabbling around for a draw against
Bolton. Then nobody wrote in backing my Martin Jol for England
campaign again. The BBC said they were bringing Two Pints
of Lager and a Packet of Crisps back for another series. A jumped-up
West Ham fan suggested Arsenal enter the Intertoto cup, to think
I was making those gags about Spurs last year. I drew a complete
blank, a big fat zero on the Valentines card count (first
time since 1996). I send one to Natalie Imbruglia every year,
the least she could do is return the favour.
told me that my Grimsby material wasnt funny any more,
and that substituting Grimsby with Leicester wouldnt work.
The hole in my duffel coat got bigger. We all had to suffer
Cristina Ronaldos gurning face after a lucky goal against
Portsmouth. The sub-editors are bound to write a stupid anti-Arsenal
headline on this column. I found out Jose Reyes is likely to
play against Real Madrid next week. I didnt get tickets
for the Arctic Monkeys gig Leo Sayer is Number
And the Gunners lost to Liverpool by a last minute goal. Having
Luis Garcia in my fantasy league team didnt soften the
IT was funny to see the Special One after his turkeys were
stuffed at the Riverside. There he was, blowing his cheeks out
like a man whod farted in a packed lift and hoped no one
would notice.
Im sure those head pats he dished out as his big eads
trundled off the pitch were a tad harder than usual.
Still, whod have thought Chelski would get rumbled by
a team who couldnt string a parcel together let alone
a winning run.
werent alone. The Bolton Bruisers did the same and let
Wengers Might-never-win-again-ibles score a late equaliser.
Not that us Spurs supporters are bothered now that Sam Please
let me be England manager, pleeese Allardyces boys
are our biggest rivals for that European spot.
That said, another debacle like Sunday and my best bet for a
trip to Europe next season will be trying to get on an 18-30
trip. Again.
I blame Paul Stalteri. I know he managed it a few weeks back,
but I do wish hed quit trying to score and stay back and
At the Stadium of Light(s are out and no-one is home), he reminded
me of my granny chasing the guinea pig around the room.
Paul, youre starting to make Dean Richards look like Roberto
Carlos. Stop it.