Town Hall
Labour are Blair's slaves
With the local elections in May, its
a bit rich of Councillor John Mills telling us there are two
Labour parties one in Camden Town and one in Whitehall
(Dont judge us by the standards of Blair, February 16).
According to Cllr John Mills Camden New Labour Partys
record is excellent. Would you call the closure of care homes,
cut backs in home helps closure of sport centre, swimming pools,
law centres, police stations and many more cut backs too numerous
to mention, excellent?
And what about Whitehalls New Labour Party? The unlawful
war in Iraq, identity cards, education reforms, students loans
and many lies too many to mention.
Patrick Cawley
Broomsleigh Street
COUNCILLOR John Mills attempts to separate the Blair
government and New Labour from Camdens Labour council.
This argument would be more believable if Camden didnt
slavishly follow the governments dictates so enthusiastically.
Just as Wandsworth was the jewel in the crown
for Mrs Thatcher, so Camden has been for New Labour.
Camden was on of the first councils to implement the totally
undemocratic executive ruling body, announcing proudly they
were leaders in the adoption, as well as arguing they had no
The fact remains that most local councils in Britain have not
gone down that road.
The council tried to break up council tenants protest
meetings over the governments arms length management
organisation scheme, (Almo) and when that failed, it tried to
bribe tenants with new kitchens if they accepted the scheme.
It was of course voted down by the tenants for which Cllr Mills
now takes the credit.
But the ultimate accolade for loyalty to the government went
to the the most slavish of all Blairites, the former leader
of the council Jane Roberts.
But in one area Camden is truly old Labour, and for that we
have Cllr Mills to thank. In his long stewardship as finance
chief he has managed to keep Camdens rates among the highest,
if not the highest in London.
Address Supplied
Councillor John Mills claims that Camden is well managed,
well run and democratic.
How would you rate an outfit which spends a great deal of
Sports Englands money to refurbish a very popular Sports
Centre at Talacre (200,000 visits per year), then turns around
and sells a big chunk of this public funded space to a private
Whether this is acceptable to Sports England or not, Camden,
under Labour, appears to make two steps forward, one step backward.
Swiss Cottage has become a shining example of local Labours
ineptitude. Disruptive project, gross-looking building, reduced
swimming facilities, needlessly expensive. A modest refurbishment
would have made more sense on every front.
As for the word democratic, Camden under Labour
is the least democratic local government you can possibly imagine.
Our local elected councillors have no power. The public is powerless
except at elections. The Executive (of which Cllr Mills was
a driving force) made all the decisions without any regards
to Camden voters.
J Treadgold
Leighton Road, NW5
Its a bit rich of the Town Halls former
finance chief Councillor John Mills to suggest that a Labour
vote in the local elections in May 2006 is going to be a vote
for local democracy.
The executive of which Mills was an integral part was run
and continues to be run undemocratically.
The councillors we elect have little or no say over important
decisions the all powerful executive councillors make on our
Yet these decisions affect our neighbourhoods, our daily lives
and future. Important decisions concerning planning consents
involving dubious deals with private developers are stamped
and approved by this totally undemocratic bunch. You and I can
object all we want, it is to no avail.
The Executive and Camdens Planning Department for which
we, the voters, pay dearly, make their own arrangements with
each other and with private developers. We arent allowed
access to details of those arrangements on grounds of commercial
sensitivity or so they claim. We have no rights of appeal if
they should make some terrible mistakes such as the ones at
Swiss Cottage or at Dalby Street or Euston Road.
T N Nash
Priory Road
John Mills boldly argues that a Labour vote in the
local elections in May 2006, is going to be a vote for local
This is incidently the same Town Hall former finance chief
responsible for selling the family silver from right under our
Despite protests, he sold off Swiss Cottage; a travellers
site, a substantial part of the Talacre Open Space and an entire
highway at Dalby Street; and Lyndhurst Hall, just to mention
a few.
Under this present Labour government there is no democracy possible
locally. The executive which Prime Minister Blair pushed forward
ensure that democracy locally is the very last consideration
on Labours mind.
Unless local Labour makes a clear announcement now, before the
election, that they will abolish the executive and go back to
the democratic assembly whereby our individual elected councillors
are given a fair chance to represent their electorates, I will
cease voting for Labour.
As for his outrageous statement about local democracy, how dare
He sounds like George W Bush!
Monica Cramer
Daleham Gardens
NW3 |