We must protect this life-saver
• THE council says the Careline emergency service is expensive to run.
Of course it’s expensive, it’s Camden’s most reliable service for the housebound and vulnerable.
Fiendish cuts are bound to affect its efficiency. This Careline buzzer worn around the neck enables the person to alert the control centre. They are quicker and more efficient than the ambulance or the police because they have the caller’s details and medical history. They also have the keys to get in. Two friends of mine are members and they think the world of Careline.
It is an excellent service, staffed round the clock, 365 days a year by dedicated, very professional people. The best is always expensive. Incidentally, Careline is not a free service. Members pay about £4.50 per week for using the buzzer.
Name and address supplied
• CARELINE is the least publicised service in Camden but one of the most valuable and has on occasion been a life saver because of their prompt response to emergencies.
They are really kind, caring and courteous. If I don’t remember to make my monthly call they ring me, or I get a letter.
I could not believe my eyes when I read there is a secret move to farm out Careline calls. Maybe Delhi or Mumbai – or Aberdeen if you’re lucky. I expected something better and more caring with the change of council.
Blanche Mundlak
Oakley Road, NW1
• CAMDEN Careline is the Council’s Community Alarm Service providing a 24-hour, all year round response service to nearly 4,000 vulnerable residents, living in their own homes or in sheltered housing.
Since last year’s political changes and this council’s consequent ‘cheaper and better’ programme a panel of senior officers and managers have had monthly meetings with a private sector consultant and reached a decision now ratified by the executive.
This decision was reached without any form of consultation or discussion with the Careline staff or frontline managers.
Now, the essential, core function of ‘call handling’ will be put out to tender to a private agency outside Camden in order to make ‘savings’ and cuts of at least four frontline staff.
We are extremely concerned that the loss of this central function, which gives localised control of the whole service will not only wipe out the vast wealth of local experience and knowledge but will ensure a wide-ranging list of other detrimental effects to the service.
We believe this cut will mean delays in response times. Careline routinely responds and attends to people in crisis and urgent medical need. The delays inherent in this change are bound to have serious consequences.
We believe that this cut is an unnecessary, penny pinching cut and should be reversed immediately.
The private sector does not provide services unless there is money to be made. Either cuts to the service, or lower pay and poorer working conditions do not make a better or more committed service.
Phoebe Watkins
On behalf of Unison members in Careline