Everybody needs to fight racism
• I WAS disturbed to read the account of an incident involving anti-Semitic remarks on a bus and I commend those who courageously confronted the abusive passenger (What to do about Racism?, February 22) .
Racist abuse is a crime and we work hard with the police and other agencies to tackle it. I strongly encourage anyone who is subjected to or witness to such incidents to come forward and report it to Camden Police’s Community Safety Unit (CSU). CSU officers are specially trained to investigate and provide support to victims of hate crime.
Contact CSU directly on 020 8733 6469 or 020 8733 6470 from 8am to 10pm or by email at csu.camden@met.police.uk.
You can also report incidents to the Metropolitan Police online at www.online.police.uk.
Non-urgent calls can be made directly to the Police Control Room, 24-hours a day on 020 7404 1212.
Victims who don’t want to report incidents directly to the police can go to one of 30 non-police third party reporting sites across Camden including community centres, public buildings and cafés.
A trained volunteer will fill in a form for you and take details of the incident.
For more information about this scheme visit www.camdensafe.org.
The council’s racial harassment hotline is free and confidential. Callers can speak to someone 24 hours a day on 0800 138 1661. Camden’s Victim Support has trained caseworkers offering free and confidential practical, emotional support and advice. Contact them on 020 7388 9550.
Anti-Semitic incidents across the country have very sadly reached a ten year high according to the latest survey by the Community Security Trust.
Camden Council and the community have a good record on tackling racism and together we will stamp it out.
Cllr Andrew Marshall
(Con) Town Hall
Judd Street