Why must politicians rush to join the pack?
• LIKE so many other voters I voted for the Lib Dems at the last three elections, being a disappointed ex-Labour supporter. When they finally got in, I was so pleased I phoned two newly-elected councillors to rejoice and offer heartfelt congratulations.
Why is it politicians cannot stand the heat of their own convictions and give in, rushing to be with the pack, notwithstanding what they had promised and offered? They are despicable.
I pay an exorbitant council tax, due to previous mismanagements of Camden Council. I still laugh when I remember how grossly extravagant were the celebrations for the departure of Dame Jane whatever. Was it six, or was it eight, parties that were given in her honour? Were they that pleased to see her go? Or just enjoying the food and wine?
Sadly, the last one, the most expensive one, was unattended because even councillors had got fed up going to the same parties, repeating the same platitudes.
The Lib Dem-Conservative coalition (not really so strange bedfellows as they first seemed) are freezing the council tax. Still, money must be found and councillors have the audacity and the short-sighted nastiness to collect funds from closing essential services such as play centres, to cut 350 council jobs and to reduce funding for voluntary groups doing important work.
As usual, the Lib Dems are bowing to the well-off and devastating the people they should be protecting. What about salary cuts in the council? Not quite on the agenda, are they? And how much are councillors paid?
How dare the Lib Dems prevent Camden people from attending their meetings? We elected them. They are the people’s representatives.
Do they hope to be re-elected? I know of a significant number of people who are determined to oust them. We will.
Haverstock Hill, NW3