Workers of the world unite for Karl's date
AMBASSADORS from around the world headed to Highgate
Cemetery on Sunday to commemorate the anniversary of the political
philosophers death.
Representatives from embassies including Cuba, China, Chile
and North Korea came to lay wreaths and hear Andrew Murray,
the chairman of the Stop The War coalition, deliver a speech
on the occupation of Iraq.
They were joined by members of the Communist Party of Britain
at the cemetery in Swains Lane, Highgate.
Director of the Marx Memorial Library in Clerkenwell Dr John
Callow said the memorial ceremony had been held at the site
of Marxs grave since Frederic Engels instigated the tradition
in 1884, the year after Marxs death.
He added: People come from all over the world to see this
monument and it is a fitting place to remember what Marx
was about.
Pictured: Xu Bin (left) and Wang Shu Ying of the Chinese Consulate
in front of the Karl Marx memorial. |