We are creating ghettoes for dogs
• REGARDING the letter from the Primrose Hill Resident of 40 years (March 22), I would like to reply – as a someone residing close to Primrose Hill – to his absurd remark that he has to tread carefully to avoid dog faeces and be on his guard against aggressive roaming dogs.
This is true, to an extent. Yes, there are dogs faeces that irresponsible owners fail to pick up.
However, responsible owners like me always carry bags and should not be tarred with the same brush as the irresponsible ones.
As for aggressive dogs on Primrose Hill, I’ve yet to come across one. I’ve been walking my dogs for 10 years and nine times out of 10 it's not the dogs who show aggression but the owners. Perhaps a law should be brought in to muzzle and put a leash on some of them?
What should be more of an issue is health and safety concerns due to the broken glass, used condoms, and other hazards left by the human roamers of Primrose Hill. As I’m sure the service team will confirm, they have the hazardous job of picking up smashed bottles and other items every morning. It is obvious that the resident of 40 years on Primrose Hill is not an animal lover.
Address supplied
• YOU have received thousands of letters vociferously protesting about the insane new law requiring dogs to be kept on a lead.
I will not say anything more on that subject, except that I am totally in agreement.
I would merely like to say that Camden Council should turn its attention to the areas where the problems arise, and that is the council estates where crime is rampant.
Drugs are openly sold and dog fighting and baiting is covertly carried out. The police are aware of this, the council is aware of this. Why have they not arrested these thugs who breed dogs to kill other dogs?
I wholly agree with Carolyn Yates of the Mayhew Animal Home that we need more animal welfare officers patrolling these estates and public places, teaching responsible pet ownership and compassion to children and adults alike.
The one sure fire way to create an aggressive dog is to keep it cooped up, and permanently on a lead.
That kind of animal will be baying for a fight and if these hair-brained proposals go through we will have created a Camden where all our happy peaceful dogs will be straining at their leads and becoming highly stressed frustrated animals.
Cholmley Gardens, NW6