Thames Water fine should sound alarm
• THE fine imposed on Thames Water by a magistrate for shoddy work on roads and illegal road closures should send shivers up the spine of Camden Engineering Services and Engineering Consultancy Services bosses for their own failed work quality.
Technically, Thames Water has a difficult job, reacting to pipe fractures on a 24/7 cycle.
This can’t be said of any works being carried out by Camden, most are on a planned program with a long lead time.
The Camden tax and ratepayers have all reasons to take action against Camden and their contractors for the usual string of failures on about every contract.
For example, if lamp posts and totally unnecessary traffic sign posts are being erected in the middle of a narrow pavement of about three-feet width, as is the multible case in Carol Street, Camden Town, to give one example, could one allege that the pavement is illegally closed to a large number of users, eg wheelchairs, buggies, pushchairs – and that is permanent and not for a few hours or days as with Thames?
Shoddy workmanship with new pavement works and absence of any designs for paving slab cutting patterns in regard to final surface appearance, the rain water drainage, ease of access to shops when there is a slight level difference between the two.
Camden Engineering fails across the board and one has noticed that the last Director of Culture and Environment has stated that he never introduced “a proper regime for road maintenance”. Is this still a no-go area for the new administration?
Camden Town Urban Design Improvement Society, NW1