Plight of single mothers
• I WAS shocked but not surprised to read in the CNJ (March 15) that a single mother with two children had to resort to begging food from restaurants to feed her children after income support had stopped her payments.
As a single mother myself, I find there is an increasing stigma and prejudice from the media and government.
Many of us are living on the breadline. I am trying to get a job – I am in the job centre twice a week and on the internet searching for positions every day.
I have no help or support from anyone including my lone parents advisor. I don’t even have a discounted bus pass to help me get around to look for work and go to interviews.
Every day is a struggle. I don’t want to be on benefits, I know we get looked down on. Single mothers get the blame for everything and have become society’s scape-goat.
It has been announced that Gordon Brown will make single mothers go to work when their child reaches 11, but according to a lone parents organisation 70 per cent are already in work, and those that are not have a good reason (like looking after disabled children).
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