Benefits cheat was working for top tailor
A BENEFIT fraudster who cheated Camden Council out of more than £13,000 while working for Savile Row tailor Oswald Boateng has narrowly escaped jail.
Sylvia Ferrari, 41, was found to be fraudulently claiming council tax and housing benefit following a tip-off from her ex-boyfriend.
While she was claiming benefit, she worked as a receptionist for Givenchy designer Oswald Boateng. She also held jobs as a translator and a restaurant worker.
Highbury Corner magistrates told Ms Ferrari, who admitted six housing benefit fraud charges on Thursday, that the offence was so serious that only a two-month custodial sentence was suitable, but suspended the penalty for a year.
She was also ordered to pay council costs of £345 and given a 12-month supervision order.
Ms Ferrari admitted failing to tell the authorities she was working when she claimed an extra £10,849 in housing benefit and £2,339 in council tax benefits.
Paul Beckham, for Camden Council, said Ms Ferrari, who has a masters degree, admitted she had done odd jobs. “She explained she had suffered from depression and had been prescribed medication,” he added. “She also stated she was in a violent relationship and started to work as her partner had forced her in order to pay the bills.”
He said she had agreed on a plan to repay the money.
Defending, Tom Mackinnon said: “She’s very remorseful. She’s receiving incapacity benefit because she’s suffering from depression. “She is now going to Narcotics Anonymous due to her use of tranquillisers.”
The offences came to light after she appeared as a prosecution witness against her former partner, who then called the council to inform on her.
Mr Mackinnon added: “When she told her father in Italy of this there was a strong suggestion that she should go back to Italy and not attend court but she feels strongly she should stay and make amends.”