We mental health patients are valuable members of society
• RE: Mental health in Camden – a patient’s view. As a current patient on the Felix Brown Day Hospital, Royal Free, I take extreme objection to your article on Mental Health Patients to be Released Early into the Community (March 22). It was uninformed and derogatory.
As patients we attend the service on a voluntary basis and on the whole, I think we are worthy and highly valued members of the community already and hope to continue to be so. We are undergoing mental health problems for a variety of reasons and are working hard to resolve them.
The proposed merger of the Felix Brown Day Unit and West Hampstead will hopefully provide a more domestic, friendly, less hospitalised environment for the benefit of patients.
The staff at Felix Brown do tremendous work for patients who are in a very difficult position in their lives and are highly valued by the patients. As I am sure they will continue to do so in the future.
(Day hospital patient)
Haverstock Road, NW5
• I READ Councillor Penny Abraham’s letter regarding the mental health services with interest but her point about contacting my local councillor Jane Schopflin would fall on deaf ears.
Cllr Schopflin seems unwilling to respond to phone calls, emails or even letters on issues relating to Fortune Green.
If she has such little regard for the residents she represents it is unlikely that she will give a hoot about the workings of the Mental Health Trust.
Thankfully Councillor Flick Rea does occasionally return calls, so residents in Fortune Green have at least one councillor that is willing to do some work on behalf of local people.
Burrard Road, NW6
• ON two occasions I had to be hospitalised (informally) with severe depression (I dreaded reaching 40, then 10 years on, 50). Consequently I strongly feel all three days hospitals (psychiatric) should not be closed, nor any staff be made redundant, nor patient places reduced. The treatment was excellent.
Fordwych Road, NW2
PS: On both occasions I was admitted urgently and at Fordwych Hospital |