Police statistics problem
• YOUR article (It’s as good as it gets’, says top cop, Mar 29) presumes a great deal about police statistics methods.
I was burgled a few years ago, and two police officers attended. I was solemnly told that because there was no proof that a crime had been committed, the incident would not be recorded as a crime. The front door had been smashed in, the frame ruined, and my housing officer described my flat as “having been ransacked”.
I told the police officer that I would visit Fortune Green station at 5pm, and if there was no incident number, I would file a formal complaint against him personally for improper conduct. I got my incident number.
Only when all aspects of crime recording and reporting are taken out of the control of the police themselves will we get data that actually means something.
PETER RUTHERFORD Independent Federation
of Genesis Residents
Pandora Road, NW6