Tesco’s abuse of parking rules
• I PASS through Heath Street and England’s Lane every morning and most evenings.
On every weekday and Saturday there are large delivery lorries outside the Tesco Metro stores that cause a major obstruction to the flow of traffic.
I complained to Camden Council about the unnecessary blockage they were causing and have just received the following reply: “We issue PCNs to the Tesco delivery vehicle servicing the Heath Street store on a daily basis; a similar pattern is present at Tesco’s sites in England’s Lane, Swain’s Lane, and Kentish Town Road. We cannot clamp Tesco vehicles because we no longer operate a clamping enforcement service, but even if we did, this would perpetuate the existence of the contravention, and nor do we remove Tesco vehicles as we do not possess vehicles capable of doing so. “The only practicable option available to us to counteract Tesco’s parking habits is the application of penalty charges to its vehicles if they contravene regulations. Our experience is that Tesco will pay the penalty charge, but at this point in time, we have no other more potent deterrent to apply to Tesco’s vehicles, or for that matter, the vehicles of any other organisation flagrantly transgressing local parking regulations with such regularity.”
Is it right that Tesco can break the law daily and just accept the fines as part of its ordinary costs? Is this the proper behaviour for a responsible company? Is there one law for a big company and another for the ordinary citizen?
Heathgate, NW11