Let’s hope Ken kicks park plan into touch
• I COULD hardly believe my eyes when I read your item (Clear road ahead for flats, March 22) and readers’ letters of March 29 (What madness to allow Dalby scheme).
Lib Dem and Conservatives have unbelievably given the go ahead for the road closure at Dalby Street despite obvious and serious defects in the developers’ scheme.
Despite the announcement by the developers just weeks ago that they would not encroach in the park, the scheme they are now proposing in their 106 agreement is precisely an encroachment into the Talacre Gardens.
For instance, park fencing is to be moved, staff parking is now to be in Talacre Gardens blocking the entrance to the park. So much for trusting the developers’ words.
But what really irks me more than anything else is the arrogant attitude of the developers. In February of this year they advertised in the CNJ an exhibition of their scheme at the Talacre Sports Centre.
This took place over a period of two days. We now learn, however, that the developers simply commandeered the foyer of the Sports Centre and did not pay a penny for using the facilities.
When our association which has the interest of the community at heart has to pay dearly for each hour on the rental of a small room at the Sports Centre, I deeply resent tax payers having to foot the bill for wealthy private overseas developers using public facilities for their own piece of propaganda.
They are already behaving as Lord of the manor, not only over our public land and highway, but our cherished Talacre Community Sports Centre too!
Chair of thhe Athlone Tenants Association
Athlone Street, NW5
• THE shocking decision by Lib Dem leader of the Council Cllr Keith Moffit and Head of the Environment Conservative Cllr Mike Green to allow the Dalby Street developers to go ahead with their faulty scheme has given local people food for thought (What madness to allow Dalby scheme, March 29).
What have we inherited here? Some inept leaders unable to ascertain just how damaging this scheme will be to the Talacre Sports Centre or simply councillors who do not give a damn and will take the easy way out by allowing whatever comes their way.
This farce has gone on too long with the developers making complete mugs of all of us. Let us only hope that Mayor Ken Livingstone who now has to approve the scheme or order an enquiry into the matter will use common sense.
An enquiry would mercifully mean that an intelligent, knowledgeable, independent planning inspector would assess the details of this scheme. Perhaps then (and only then) would the nonsense put forward by the developers finally end.
Prince of Wales Road, NW5
• AS a retired developer I was most interested to see the paperwork regarding the Dalby Street road closure (What madness to allow the Dalby scheme, March 29).
What I read had the few hairs left on my head standing. The scheme now proposed by the developer creates more problems than it solves.
I can only predict that within five years the Talacre Community Sports Centre, which is so popular, will founder.
How can access to the centre be the sole concern of the developer, whose parking staff will decide who gains access and when? This is a downgrading of the area, not the regeneration the developer’s PR agents would have you believe.
All I can say is the judgement of the planning committee who approved the road closure and supposed improvements at Prince of Wales Road should be questioned seriously.
It is now up to Mayor Ken Livingstone to decide whether there should be an inquiry to determine the validity of this scheme. Can he too fail to see what disaster lies ahead if it is allowed as proposed?
Southampton Road, NW5 |