Camden New Journal - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Published: 3 May 2007
It’s boys and girls aloud!
• WHILST sympathising with Margaret Milner (Dogs aren’t the problem, April 26) regarding extremely noisy and unruly children in Waterlow Park, at least she can walk away from it.
Here, just down the hill in Lulot Gardens at the cemetery end, we have to endure hours of similar behaviour by unsupervised children ranging from about four year-olds to 13-14 years.
This behaviour includes screaming contests to trampling all over the plants.
But noise is the worst thing.
We’ve had to endure severe noise pollution from the football pitch 50 yards away for 28 years now. This extra torture fills me with dread for the summer ahead. DAVID SINGLETON
Lulot Gardens, N19
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