The Camden Walk of Fame need not be limited to glitter and spice
SUDDENLY, a bit of public discussion is taking place about the possibility of a Walk of Fame, similar to that in Hollywood, being laid in Camden High Street (see page 2 and Forum page 25).
And all because Camden Town is now regarded – almost revered – as the music capital of Britain. Well, those who talk it up would go further and describe it as the music capital of Europe.
No one could argue that Camden Town isn’t culturally unique. Its pop bands and venues attract thousands of young people.
But, of course, it is more than that.
Without going too far back in history, Camden Town and neighbouring districts, has attracted great figures – in politics, literature, drama and the arts. There is even a world-recognised school of painters known as the Camden Town School where Augustus John and Walter Sickert take their bow.
And not only need we look back to the past.
Today, take a look at the intellectual class rooted in Camden Town – Alan Bennett, AN Wilson, Jonathan Miller, to name but a few.
Actors? There are countless star names, too many to mention here who make up the community of Camden Town and its environs.
By all means let’s have a Walk of Fame in Camden Town. But it would be cheap and tawdry, artistically speaking, to limit names.to those who inhabit the world of popular culture.
Hollywood may have only glitz and glamour to offer the world, but Camden Town has much more.
Apart from the arts, there are many local heroes in the world of politics and public services who should be celebrated.
If the Walk of Fame would encompass such a broad spectrum, this newspaper would be its most fervent supporter.
What, exactly, is a ‘guest’?
THE death from drugs of two young men in a Hampstead sheltered home (see page 13) merits further investigation by the authorities.
This newspaper is surprised to discover that an elderly man living in a sheltered flat could be allowed to share his one-bedroom flat with a live-in carer with the full knowledge and acceptance of the authorities. It was in this flat that two young men died from drug overdoses.
A council press official says blandly that tenants are responsible for their own guests. Here, we need to define what is meant by the word ‘guest’. We believe it would be stretching a point to describe the live-in carer as a guest when in fact he had shared the flat for more than a year!