Not the time to close towpath
• Inner City Camden Town is not big on open space and the summer affords more opportunity to enjoy what little there is in our town.
The Regent’s Canal towpath is an important local leisure resource. So, you can imagine the surprise when, a week or so ago, that the towpath entrance in Baynes Street was boarded up – with no notice to tell the public, or tourists, what’s up.
A few days later, after neighbours had variously discussed what might possibly be the reason, we were astounded to read the notice that had finally found its way to the boarded-up entrance. Odd how it was not displayed on day one of the closure. (Within days the notice was torn down, perhaps by an angry towpath user).
From June 12 to August 18, the towpath from York Way to Kentish Town Road is closed for resurfacing.
So, for two out of the three months of high summer, the towpath is closed and this wonderful resource denied to us.
Some sections are expected to reopen before that date but, given how public contracts seem to go, I doubt it.
Last weekend, every time I passed the Baynes Street entrance there were confused tourists trying to read the barely intelligible map (with no indication of north) so they could continue their journey; it’s a pity that it was left to residents to do the directing.
British Waterways London and Camden Council’s Liveability Fund are behind these improvements and apologise for any short-term inconvenience.
See www.waterscape.com/stoppages.
Perhaps there is something wrong with me, but could not these officials – paid with our money – have first consulted with users and, second, worked out that almost any two months outside the high summer would be the right time for this work?
Time for the new council to show some really good common sense. Stop this work today, delay the contract until late September at the earliest, and reopen the Regent’s Canal towpath within days.
It’s probably too late to do other than complete any section that they may already have started, but no work is going on near Baynes Street as I write, so much of the closed towpath can probably be opened immediately.
Who approved this work? Why don’t officials just think outside the box and get things right first time? Why make their organisations a laughing stock?
Lester May
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