We have never been opposed to concerts
• I write on behalf of The Heath and Hampstead Society with reference to the Kenwood concerts to help your readers to understand the position we have taken in this affair. Although your own account in last week’s edition was fair and balanced, others have suggested that we and other groups and residents have behaved unreasonably.
I start by saying that this Society has never been opposed to the holding of these annual concerts, which give pleasure to many.
Our objections this year have been centred on the actions of English Heritage and their sub-contractors IMG in erecting on the lake at Kenwood a floating stage and massive amplifying equipment. This was done without the necessary planning permission. As guardians of our heritage and as statutory consultees on planning matters, it is inconceivable that English Heritage did not know that planning permission was necessary. IMG, who are global entertainment experts should also have known this. They, nevertheless, went ahead without applying for permission and in the face of the opposition of their own advisory body, the Kenwood Landscape Forum. The result has been that this society, other local groups, Camden Council and the public have been outmanoeuvred and denied their statutory consultation rights. This is undemocratic.
We object to the erection of a very large prefabricated floating stage and huge amplifying equipment, considerably more intrusive than the original stage and shell.
This is floating in the middle of the lake and greatly damaging any appreciation of the historic landscape designed by Humphrey Repton as a setting for Kenwood House, one of London’s few Grade I listed mansions.
This unauthorised structure, although described as “temporary”, will be in position for more than three months, just when visitor numbers are at their highest.
English Heritage are also trustees of the Iveagh Bequest, through which Kenwood was gifted to the nation. They have a legal obligation under the Iveagh Bequest Act to preserve this historic landscape and to keep Kenwood House open to the public. The statements made by IMG implying that curtailment of their concert programme could lead to closure are, therefore, false. No objectors, including our Society, asked that the number of concerts should be reduced. This was a condition impose by the licensing authority.
In summary, once we knew the facts, we objected strongly to this sorry disregard of due legal and democratic process and we trust that Camden Council will ensure that this is not repeated next year.
Tony Hillier
Heath and Hampstead Society, NW3
• Following the court judgement keeping the number of Kenwood concerts to eight, the company running the concerts (IMG) are quoted in your recent report as saying that a few people have spoiled the enjoyment of many. This is unfair of IMG.
As Haringey councillors for Highgate, a large proportion of the residents we represent live in the area affected by the sound of the concerts.
Subsidiary issues include traffic and parking pressures, and litter. We submitted a detailed statement laying out our concerns on these issues and actions by IMG that would help mitigate them to Camden’s barrister (available from the website of Lynne Featherstone, MP, at www.lynnefeatherstone.org).
We know that there is broadly only good will from residents to the concerts and to English Heritage who manage the Kenwood Estate. Where there is opposition, it comes from the high volumes of sound that escape from the concert site. The judge noted “the express wishes of many of the objectors that... the concerts should continue”. His judgement was nevertheless clear in its balance, that “the nuisance outweighs the undoubted pleasure to many who choose to attend the concerts”.
For the future, it will be important for IMG to demonstrate that they are able to limit the escape of noise, and that they fully engage in consultation with all affected residents whether living in the boroughs of Camden (responsible for regulation of the concerts), Barnet or Haringey.
To date councillors for Highgate in Haringey have not been approached by IMG.
Councillor Bob Hare
Councillor Justin Portess
Councillor Neil Williams
(Lib Dems) Haringey Council
Civic Centre
High Road
Wood Green