Closing the Stables door...
• IN reply to Jake Sumner’s letter (Let’s keep Stables unique, August 16), I was not surprised to read how behind both he and Graham Coxon were in their grasp of what is actually awaiting planning approval at the Stables.
As a shop owner at the Horse Hospital for the last 26 years, I was rather concerned on arrival at the market on Saturday August 11 to be told that a further planning application (No 2007/3366/L) had just been pinned to the main market gate concerning Proud Galleries’ proposals for the Horse Hospital.
Within the time it took to park my car this notice had been torn down. So far it has not been replaced, neither was it placed as it should have been, pinned to the actual building concerned.
This plan would see the total end of the Stables Market as it is known today.
Proud Galleries’ plan, if it is accepted, is to move all the traders from the top floor of the Horse Hospital to the second floor of one of the two new glass blocks that are due to be built (commencing September 2007) – and to turn the Horse Hospital into a gallery/ restaurant/bar!
They say in their application that there have been “discussions with the traders and owners of Stables Market” and that we’re all happy with the move.
As of the weekend of August 18 and 19, I could find no trader in the Horse Hospital who had been spoken to nor any trader that would want to move.
Also, if I was a local resident I would be very concerned as part of this plan involves covering the interior of the recently restored roof of the Horse Hospital with up to one metre of sound insulating material.
This has been accompanied with documentation for acoustic insulation.
Part of Proud Galleries’ claim is that for two years they have been an integral part of the Stables Market.
What about the majority of shop owners/stallholders in the Horse Hospital who’ve been there for years? Perhaps we’ve been too busy trying to make a living and dealing with our long-term clientele to notice them...
More importantly, I feel
that having been involved
in the Stables Market since its very beginning, I would
argue that the Horse Hospital market is actually the founding heart of the Stables complex.
Everything at the Stables has grown from the Old Horse Hospital and its traders, many of whom have been at the Horse Hospital for 15 to 20 years and are known the
world over.
It is the Old Horse Hospital and its traders that have made the Stables the international success that it is, not the management, nor Proud Galleries.
If the second floor of a modern glass building is such a wonderful location as Proud Galleries suggest, perhaps they should take this wonderful opportunity and move into it themselves!
While I think all at the Stables appreciate Jake and everyone’s involvement I feel that barring an absolute miracle the battle for the arches is lost – it was sacrificed I understand a long time ago by English Heritage in exchange for the repair work to the roof of the Horse Hospital.
This in hindsight was one hell of a price to pay.
However, Proud Galleries’ application is still current, and all comments must be submitted to Camden’s planning department by the August 29, so time is short,
If no action is taken this would see the end of the Stables Market as you know it today.
Jake’s comments on the attitude of Camden Council is correct.
When I phoned to ask for details of the missing planning application on the gate, an official said he would look into its disappearance, but the following weekend it was still not up, nor was it placed on the correct building as it should have been.
More importantly it
hasn’t been sent to any interested parties, which I would have assumed would be all local residents and all traders?
In reality it should be a full planning application as there is a significant amount of work involved including the total loss of the interior of the roof space which has after 20 years of fighting only just been restored.
Pressure really should be placed on Camden’s planning department to extend the closing date for comments on this application.
They should ensure all interested parties are notified, and to make sure the application is placed on the correct building and that it stays up, giving people time to voice their opinions.
long-term shop owner
Name and address supplied