Camden New Journal - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Published: 6 September 2007
Odd there was no consultation on the depth of the pools
• HERE is hoping that the review promised by Cllr Flick Rea actually means that the battle for decency and privacy at the Prince of Wales Road baths has been won (No unisex please, we’re changing, August 30). But what about the other important issues?
For instance, are we to benefit from the same depth of pools we used to enjoy?
The designers present at the meeting of the July 19 could not even respond to the question: What was the exact depth of the present pools?
They could only mumble some answer about depth of pools recommended by Sport England.
This is not good enough.
We, the public, do not want diminished facilities.
The old pools exist in their original depths.
That should be the very minimum depths we will accept.
Odd how the consultation papers did not consult about depths of pool swimmers ideally wished for.
Nobody has disclosed Camden’s instructions to the design team.
Belmont Street, NW1
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