Camden New Journal - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Published: 27 September 2007
Preserve this area’s character
• IN the excellent Conservation Area Statement, Camden expresses its interest and concern that the character of this area should be preserved.
However, we are now confronted with a planning application which proposes to demolish No 22 Frognal Way, (a bungalow), and replace it with two large two-storey houses and an underground car park for four cars. English Heritage stated in July 2007 that the bungalow makes a positive contribution to the character of the conservation area. Furthermore it in no way impinges on the glorious view of the Georgian terrace of Church Row.
This view would be lost if the application were to be successful.
Hundreds of people, many of them young, walk along Frognal Way, including tourists,and also visit the adjacent churchyard which contains the tomb of John Constable.
The statement also says that rear gardens and backlands contribute to the townscape of the Conservation Area and provide a habitat for wild life, which is abundant in the immediate area. This application contravenes so many of the good intentions of trying to preserve the beauty of this Georgian area.
Equally worrying is the likelihood that the outstanding trees will be at risk. I can only hope that Camden’s planners will stick to their own excellent guidelines. Gillian McAndrew, NW3
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