Was chamber fracas organised chaos?
• It is a sad reflection of the Labour group’s contempt for Camden’s residents that they seek to hinder this elected administration (Footballers in Town Hall demonstration over cuts, September 14).
This was made evident when they encouraged the attendance of a group of youths at the full council meeting. They deliberately misled them into submitting their request to speak, after the deadline had expired.
They then inflamed the group of youths by falsely asserting that members did not want to accept the deputation, because we did not value the views of Camden’s youths.
It was contempt for the Camden’s residents that caused labour to lose the local election. Unfortunately, their contempt only seems only to have deepened and is now expressed against those whom Camden’s residents legitimately chose to run the borough. This is a dark presentiment of things to come, I fear.
(Con) Town Hall
Judd Street, WC1
• OF course young people should be encouraged to get involved in the political process. But there is a big difference between a legitimate expression of public opinion and an organised attempt to barrack and drown out with shouted slogans the deliberations of an elected assembly as happened on September 11.
Do Labour agree with systematic barracking of a public meeting, or do their comments in the press simply represent an attempt to score a few cheap points with soundbites, implying that the new administration are against freedom of speech?
(Con) Town Hall
Judd Street