Name and shame them
• THE blood boils now that I fully understand what the developer is up to at Dalby Street (Dalby Street plans need to be stopped, October 5).
My children use the sports centre several times a week Ð and I am constantly having to take them there and pick them up. It is a wonderful amenity. Dalby Street is the only road access to the centre.
This particular developer, however, not only wants to rob the public of Dalby Street to use as his own private site, but he also intends to close down all access to vehicles for two to three years. This alone is sure to kill the sports centre.
Who in their right mind will allow their kids to go to Kentish Town on foot, especially when it is dark? And what about the buses who bring in disabled users and school kids? What are they going to do?
Camden does not seem to know what they are doing. First they build beautiful facilities, which cater to all the residents of Camden and surroundings, then they seem to do their best to undermine what they have created,
Those responsible for this should be named and shamed.
• DAVID Felix reveals what goes on behind the scenes between developers and planning officials.
Do we ever stand a fighting chance of halting bad planning decisions? Such as that taken at Dalby Street, which seems designed to benefit the developers to the detriment of the community.
I used to write my objections to the planning department to no avail. Now I have discovered the Camden New Journal and I might not be able to stop all the nonsense at Dalby Street but I certainly wonÕt make it easy for them to get away with it.
All I have read about this particular planning application and the road closure stinks to high heaven.
If that is allowed, then the whole planning system in Camden would be forever suspect.
No one is ever likely to trust the system again.
Gilden Crescent
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