Appalled at way Town Hall treated youngsters
• RE: the letter about the Camden Untied Project demonstration outside the Town Hall (Youth protest attack is clouding the issue, October 5).
As a young person I was appalled how the council treated us by refusing our deputation with regard to the Camden United Project funding cuts.
We want to engage with the political process, but instead the council decided to use their red tape to deny the young people the opportunity to participate.
Despite this, we continued to demonstrate outside the Town Hall to make our voice heard.
The council claims that we were somehow used by the Labour group for their own political gain. This suggestion by the council shows what little interest they take in young people’s issues. Instead of addressing our needs they are busy scoring cheap political points by accusing the Labour group of manipulating us.
We can speak for ourselves on issues that concern us instead of being treated as if we are stupid. I am saddened by their course of action and at no point during the evening have they taken the intuitive to speak to us about the project which we feel so passionately.
Passers-by were more interested in our demonstration than the council who can bring about changes to our cause. This demonstration was a result of the recent funding cuts made by the council.
I have been involved with the King’s Cross Brunswick Neighbourhood Association for many years and actively engaged in a wide range of activities on offer.
Through my participation with this project I learned how to engage with the political process and how it works. If the council wants young people to take part in the political process then surely they need to change their approach.
What took place on Monday September 11 was demonising young people not enabling or empowering them to participate in our democracy. No wonder the number of young voters has declined over the years.
Great Russell Street,
WC1 |