Press ministers for a decent option
YOUR report on the Labour Party conference backing the ‘Fourth Option’ of direct investment in council housing for the third year in a row shows that we have pushed this issue right up the top of the political agenda (Homes vote lost for a third year, October 5).
Peter Wright from Holborn DMC is of course right. Winning votes at the Labour Party conference doesn’t guarantee the right outcome. But it does show that the government can’t kick this campaign into touch, however much they try.
They are losing ballots all over the UK and the issue outside London will play big in the local elections next May. One-hundred and forty-nine MPs have now signed the motion in Parliament. If Glenda Jackson backed tenants it would make it 150.
In July the new minister, Ruth Kelly, said that there would be no more money for Decent Homes improvements and suggested that she would walk away from the Labour Party manifesto commitment “By 2010 we will ensure that all social tenants benefit from a decent, warm home with modern facilities”. But at Labour’s conference the NEC made a clear statement that included “We believe that bringing all social housing up to decent standards is central to Labour’s Sustainable Communities agenda.”
At the last meeting between Councillor Chris Naylor, Executive Member for Housing and the Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of the five District Management Committees representing Camden tenants and residents associations I proposed that the council should call for a London-wide meeting of councils and council tenants to discuss the issue. This was agreed.
We need to step up the pressure on government to respect tenants’ choice and enable the council to carry out the improvements to our homes and estates. Defend Council Housing is a very broad cross party campaign. We will be seeking a deputation to the next full council meeting on November 6 to urge all parties to join together to organise a London wide conference and press ministers to provide the ‘Fourth Option’ we need.
Defend Council Housing has produced a new eight page newspaper to keep tenants up to date with the latest developments in the campaign. Get your Tenants and Residents Association to order copies to distribute to all homes.
Camden Defend Council Housing
Peckwater Estate