So sad to see Pamela's good name tainted
• I WAS very surprised to read in the CNJ that Dr Chandok described Mrs Pamela Bryson as an alcoholic (GP admits unprofessional behaviour, Oct 19).
What follows has been approved by her daughter Tina Coulson who was very distressed by this comment.
I cared for this good woman for five years and do not believe she was alcohol dependent.
I met her quite frequently as she was her mother's carer, and she brought her mother to see me on numerous occasions.
She was very uncomplaining about her own needs and had to be encouraged to look after her own health as she was always more concerned about her mother.
When she attended she did not smell of alcohol, nor was she ever inebriated. As well as caring for her mother she kept down a demanding job in spite of being past retirement age.
It is extremely sad to see her good name tainted when she can no longer defend herself.
She did not complain about her life. She presented herself in a cheerful positive manner although she found being widowed very difficult.
She did not deserve to die alone and unattended when she had asked for help.
Whitehawk Medical Centre