Whit in £11m savings drive
WHITTINGTON Hospital chiefs have announced nearly 150 cuts, efficiency measures and money-spinning moves in a drive to make £11 million in savings.
The hospital has until the end of the financial year to combat its £10-million deficit and make a budget surplus of £1.3 million to meet government targets.
The Whittington, which was last week identified as the tenth worst in the country for over-long bed stays, has already embarked on measures to cut unnecessary ward stays.
A report issued by the NHS Institute said the Whittington could reduce bed stays by 14 per cent, making a saving of £5,194,000.
Finance chiefs say 148 money-saving projects have been identified.
Director of strategy and performance Susan Sorensen said: “Our cost reductions are focusing on reducing wastage of energy and increasing efficiency.”
On reducing bed stays she said: “It’s something we’ve recognised and are working on. We set up a project a long time ago to reduce bed stays. We’ve made some progress recently.”
Following the NHS Institute report, a hospital spokeswoman said: “A project has been established to identify and implement changes in practice which will enable patients to be discharged from hospital at the appropriate time. We are also continuing our drive to treat as many patients as possible on a day case basis.”
She said the savings figure of £5,194,000 relates to longer-term fixed costs incurred during temporary ward closures and short-term costs, which vary with activity, such as the use of temporary staff, drugs, consumables and catering.”