Just what doctor ordered, a move to new block
A DOCTORS' practice will be based at a controversial seven-storey development planned for Kentish Town after health authorities agreed to pay the rent, the New Journal can reveal.
Health chiefs at Camden’s Primary Care Trust (PCT) have approved the re-location of Prince of Wales Road GPs’ surgery to the 54-apartment block proposed for nearby Dalby Street.
A Camden PCT spokeswoman said: “The funding arrangement is that the PCT reimburse rent to the GP practice.”
Jenny Wood, manager of the Prince of Wales practice, said re-location was overdue.
She added: “We’ve been here for donkeys’ years.”
Residents fighting the development, which they say is too big and threatens adjacent Talacre Gardens park, maintain the site will not have proper access for health centre users. Campaigner Peter Cuming fears that extra parking space needed for the medical practice could be taken from the park. He added: “I’m terrified that what’s going to happen is that there’s going to be another threat to the park.” |