Rankles to be falsely accused
• I HAVE lived in Kentish Town for 21 years, am a respected poet and have just had a first novel published.
Imagine my consternation therefore when, a few weeks ago, I was wrongly accused of shoplifting at a Kentish Town store.
Even though the till assistant immediately verified that I had paid for the goods in my bag, no apology or explanation was forthcoming at the time.
I was still made to feel like a criminal because I had mislaid my receipt for the goods, purchased during a visit some ten minutes earlier. (This kind of intimidation is something of a red herring since all transactions can be verified from the till roll).
Head office have since apologised, admitted their procedures were not followed and eventually offered £50 compensation for the distress caused. However, I returned their cheque since it does not reflect the gravity of the situation.
While I do not intend to pursue the matter further, it was a very frightening experience. (I was under surveillance for some time but went unchallenged until I reached nearby traffic lights).
I am now very apprehensive when I go shopping. Moreover, I have since spoken to others who have suffered similarly at the hands of supermarket supervisory staff across the UK.
Whatever happened to customer care?
Gaisford Street