Annabelle’s claims were unfounded
• WE were surprised to read Annabelle Stewart’s letter in last week’s New Journal (Is is a future of cuts or value for money?). Her statement that “the councillors in Cantelowes ward have barely been seen since they were elected last May” is completely untrue.
Just last week, we met with Transport for London (TfL) and Councillor Braithwaite for a walk-about on Camden Road.
The week before, Cllrs Ben Rawlings and Paul Braithwaite arranged for a on-site community meeting with Camden Council officers, in consultation with the police, to discuss the on-going anti-social problems in the stopped up area of Camden Mews and Cantelowes Road. Cllr Rawlings attended our last Association meeting on November 28 and addressed our members on our concerns regarding licensing for festivals in Camden Square – our members think Ben is doing a terrific job. In addition, Cllr Rawlings has joined our committee to address the regeneration of Murray Street; we welcome his support and look forward to working with him more.
Camden Square Neighbourhood Association
Camden Square Neighbourhood Association
Camden Square, NW1