Shutting the door after the horse has bolted
THE kafuffle about the Dalby Street development is a classic case of shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted.
The development was agreed overwhelmingly by Camden’s planning committee nearly a year ago. This was because of the obvious benefits the new building would bring to a derelict site. > more |
The battle for King’s Cross
THE time has come for those in authority who possess a deep sense of civic pride to take another look at the new world planned for King’s Cross.
It could be argued that three years have been spent at the basic planning stage, and that now is the time to fill in the blank spots in the present outline planning application, and then get down to business. > more
Council must help with truancy - I AM appalled that there are 12 Camden parents/carers facing legal action for not making sure that their children attend school. > more
Joan died at 87 - JOHN Gulliver’s article about Murray Melvin’s exhibition of Theatre Workshop photos at the National Theatre is welcome but may I, please, correct... > more |