The tragic death of John wasn’t that of a ‘nobody’
• I AM writing to register my distress at the headline regarding the death of John Nicholls (Death of a nobody, Dec 21). Contary to your supposition that John was a ‘nobody’ he was in fact a well-liked and often gentle man whose loss has affected many.
I am a local community worker, who along with my colleagues knew John as someone who had worked hard to overcome his difficulties in life. The fact that he did not succeed and died in such a way is not evidence that he was a ‘nobody’.
It is easy to judge people whose lives take a different path to ours but I would have hoped that your story would have engendered empathy for a man who died in such a way, but rather your article concentrated on the negative impact of this on those living in the area.
The sentence including the words “fear and revulsion” could easily be applied to our reaction to your article.
Holborn, WC1