Don’t believe parking lies
• WITH reference to your article in the CNJ (Mum stages tow truck protest, December 14), the three bits of information provided by the council’s press official were misleading at best.
Firstly, her statement that “A three-way yellow sign informing residents they cannot park in the road between December 11 and mid-April” is contradicted by the photograph accompanying your article which informs the public that the suspension is from December 11 to 23.
Secondly, the statement that it “...was put up on November 26. This was in accordance with our 14-day policy of informing residents affected by parking changes”.
Actually the sign appeared on December 4.
Thirdly, her statement that residents had been sent letters informing them of the parking changes is untrue.
All those I have spoken with have not received such a letter.
I was in receipt of an email about this but I suspect that it was because I am, and have always been, a critic of the public street works process and its management.
The “Fred Karno’s Circus-like” situations at this location continue unabated and anyone who is interested can read the goings-on at mylocalcouncil .blogspot.com.
Parkhill Road