Many volunteers eager to help in setting up the youth council
• WE were very disappointed to read the article (In the dark over youth council, October 25).
It is true that preparations for the youth council have been underway for eight months, and that these have been overseen by a working group, composed entirely of young people and led by the two of us.
However, the foundation of these preparations was a massive consultation event in January, where young people were encouraged to set the wheels in motion.
Hundreds attended, and all were invited to be part of the long-term effort. Unfortunately, not all schools were able to attend last week’s Local Democracy Week event.
Some of the young people in attendance were aware of the progress in setting up a youth council, and others were not.
It is never easy to reach a large number of young people, and that is why we ourselves took time off school to attend this event and spread the word.
We also rely heavily on the work of citizenship co-ordinators within the borough’s schools.
We ourselves have also made extensive efforts in terms of publicity, and this week launched a widespread poster and flyer campaign to raise awareness of plans to set up a youth council.
We have given interviews to the Camden New Journal, but these were not printed.
Our efforts as a working group over the past eight months will culminate in a second consultation event, on Thursday November 8, where our ideas will be put to a large gathering of young people from across the borough.
This event is open to all young people aged 13 to 19 in Camden, and places can be reserved by calling 020 7974 8051 or emailing ouryoungcamden@ c-world.co.uk
Following this event, area youth forums will be set up so young people can further scrutinise the decision-making process, and contribute ideas for the youth council’s operational structure.
We believe that Camden’s young people will be excited by our vision and will want to play their part in the development of a youth council that is truly democratic and representative – with members drawn from a cross-section of Camden’s youth.
We are working very hard to get on board those young people who are harder to reach, due to social disadvantages. In the meantime, it goes without saying that any interested young person is welcome to join the youth council steering group.
Our next meeting is at 5pm on Wednesday November 14 at the Medburn Centre, 136 Chalton Street, Somers Town, NW1.
Last week’s Local Democracy Week event left us with an overwhelmingly positive message.
There is no better way of involving young people than bringing them together with the people involved in taking decisions, and educating them about how to play a part; and we were inundated with volunteers eager to get involved in setting up the youth council.
We hope that the Camden New Journal will help us reach out to other young people and increase awareness of plans to set up a youth council by covering the event on November 8 in a constructive way.
We believe the youth council will be a milestone for youth representation in Camden which deserves the support of our local media.
Elected youth
representatives for Camden