Friends demand a decision on bid for ‘Town Green’ status
• I was at the council meeting on November 5 when the deputation for the Town Green status was put forward by the Friends of Talacre Gardens.
A persuasive speech was delivered by Peter Cuming, which inspired some councillors to rally to the friends’ cause by asking for an immediate vote to be granted for Town Green status under the new Commons Act 2006.
This was asking for too much, since a puzzled and misguided environment chairman, Councillor Mike Greene, threw a spanner in the works. He of the “don’t confuse me with the facts” camp claimed that granting the protective status of Town Green to this 2.4-acre park in Haverstock Ward might create anti-social problems by having to keep the park open continuously. Had he and his officers bothered to have done their homework, they might have discovered that no such requirement accompanies Town Green registration.
Only the lack of legal knowledge of the councillors’ advisers could have linked Town Green status with the idea of Common Land. They are, in fact, unconnected. If Talacre Gardens is turned into a Town Green now, local security will remain exactly the same. I understand that neither Cllr Greene nor the officials have discussed the implications of Town Green registration with the friends.
When will our council begin to reflect popular local views? Or has the new LibDem/Tory alliance becomes as out of touch with their constituents as the old Labour regime before them?
Savernake Road, NW3
• RESIDENTS in Haverstock ward want Town Green status for Talacre Gardens (Green bid for park, November 8).
Councillors do not have to agree with the will of local residents. A unanimous request has been expressed. The council’s reasons for refusing consent should be plausible, coherent and reasonable.
Camden Council have had the request for Town Green registration in the in tray for months and have not once communicated their anxieties and fears, real or imagined. Can the 150 Friends of Talacre Gardens have a proper response to their request.
If it is ‘no’, let us learn why so we can proceed with an application and an appeal elsewhere.
Procrastination, inexplicable delay and obscure logic seem to be the council’s agenda. The alternative route of a public inquiry looms. Can the coalition really believe this is the way to win public goodwill and foster local democracy? Appeals add to taxpayers bills which we can all do without.
Chairman, Friends of
Talacre Gardens, NW5
• It is hard to know what to make of our council.
They claim to represent our interests, yet when called upon to grant an important wish by local people to protect their precious park, they dither and seem to rustle up illogical reasons to turn down Town Green status for Talacre Gardens. Well, if the councillors are minded to deny this wish of ours, then they ought to make it clear sooner rather than later.
I don’t see the point in procrastinating. Every day the park is not fully protected by a Town Green status is a day when local people fear it will be taken over by private developers.
For everyone’s sake, please end this dilemma once and for all.
Sid Bennett
Rhyl Street, NW5
A lifeline…
• I have enjoyed the Talacre Open Space for over 40 years.
Weather permitting, I still sit every day in the quiet area of the gardens with friends and relatives. For me and my family the park has been a lifeline. Last year, when we heard about the plan for a developer to drive a road across the park we were devastated. This should never be allowed to happen. The council promised that it wouldn’t. Now is the time for our councillors to walk their talk. They should vote for the Town Green status which would give us residents of Talacre peace of mind.
Residents are now living in genuine fear that the gardens are still under threat.
Why else would they procrastinate?
The registration would cost nothing to the council and take very little time to process. No one seems to listen to what we want and need around here.
Athlone Street, NW5