Mosque open day a great success
• WE congratulate the King’s Cross Mosque and Islamic Cultural Centre on the successful community open day.
The day was a fantastic opportunity to break down barriers and strengthen community cohesion with a brilliant combination of fun activities, information and exhibitions. The day was the result of a lot of hard work by volunteers and in particular it was good to see young people at the heart of this. Well done to all involved!
Geethika Jayatilaka and Jonathan Simpson
King’s Cross Ward
• THE Islamic Mela, open day, at the King’s Cross Mosque and Cultural Centre was held to enable the Muslim community to engage with the wider community, clarify certain issues and build bridges.
This impressive occasion included discussions of How Islam Views Non-Muslims; Causes of Isolation and Fear; The Position of Women in Islam; and The Ruling System of Islam.
There were speeches by Mosque chairman Muhid Miah, Amad Uddin and councillors.
We saw exhibitions of Islamic history, religion and art and heard children from the ages of three to 15 recite verses from the Quran in Arabic.
A guided tour of the Cromer Street Mosque was joined by the Mayor of Camden Dawn Somper and the Reverend Maggie Hindley of the United Reformed Church.
The event was most interesting and absorbing and I learnt a good deal.
Further events of this kind are planned in the near future.