• OUR good councillors have allowed in this year’s budget about £76 million for education.
Imagine the fuss if your child were charged £20 at the gate before being allowed into school. Some £3.5 million is allocated for refuse disposal; would you pay an extra £15 again each time your bin was emptied?
With £21 million put aside for street services, how would you feel if you were charged for having a lamp-post lit near your house?
Or paying to take out a library book when the council has £6.5 million in the budget for libraries?
In this year’s budget, towards which we all contribute through council taxes, there is £34 million intended to pay for, among other things, the care and support of elderly and disabled people.
The present incumbents of the council have decided that this group of residents is an easy target and will, for the first time, be charged again for a service for which adequate financial provision exists.
So those who depend on additional help to maintain a lifestyle which most take for granted are receiving large bills based on a secret formula calculated to impoverish, humiliate and disable even further.
When you voted to keep your council tax at standstill for a year, were you aware that this was the price we would be paying on your behalf?
If not, tell your councillor that victimisation of the most vulnerable is not acceptable and that a few quid off your bill is not a price you are prepared to pay.