Crush Town Hall egos, not residents’ vehicles
• WHAT a front-page Christmas story you ran (£20,000 car destroyed for £120 bill, December 20) about the insanity of those people of goodwill at the Town Hall.
Crushing a car with a value of thousands of pounds!
Whatever the reasons that led to the car’s being crushed, it is an insane act of vandalism to destroy a car that could realise a considerable sum were it sold.
Not only goodwill, but common sense and decent practice are clearly lacking here.
A car of some value should be impounded, perhaps, stored for a while and the cost passed on as part of restoration to the owner. The council should aim to make a profit out of the matter.
If, after a specified period, the car is not claimed by the owner, then it should be sold and the proceeds collected by the Town Hall. Only gross incompetence would lead to the council being out of pocket in such a case.
Even if only a few thousand pounds was the windfall for the council, there is much that could be done with the money. How many local projects dream of, say, a grant of £4,000 from the council?
Of course, were there people at the Town Hall capable of innovative thinking, capable of dealing with situations such that the maximum benefit is derived for the local community, while at the same time trying to minimise disadvantage to residents, then there was at least one other alternative.
The car could have been loaned to a local charitable organisation much in need of transport, until such time as the matter was sorted out. Of course, suitable checks and legal agreements would be required, but the Town Hall has in-house lawyers and the whole business is not beyond the wit of man.
Doubtless the director of the council department responsible is expecting a performance bonus for 2007.
Councillors should crush the bonus and demand better of this director for 2008.
It is plain wrong to destroy any legal property that is still of use. In this case, did no one think that the penalty did not fit the “crime”?
One really would not want these people as neighbours.
What next? Fall behind with your rent and this lot might demolish your council house.
The crushing of a few egos at the Town Hall might be the right new year resolution.
Reachview Close, NW1