Fox demonstrates nature red in tooth and claw
• YOUR cover headline (Fowl Play! Killer Fox on Camera, December 20) leads into a page 3 story about a printmaker, Mr Askew, who appears pained by the possibility that a fox may have taken his chickens.
Looking at the picture of his chicken coop it seems highly likely that an urban fox has tunnelled underneath the wire. “Nature red and tooth and claw,” Mr Askew! Didn’t your childhood contain enough tales of Mr Fox chasing the chickens?
Of course foxes will take chickens if they can: they’re a feast for them compared with the rubbish and leavings they normally scavenge for.
But Mr Askew it’s kind of you to have taken pity on the blameless injured fox you found sheltering in your garden. Now why not call the RSPCA who will come and treat its mange?
And secure your chickens – if you find them or get more – because yes, foxes are predators!
As your daughter must also sadly learn.
Holly Lodge Mansions, N6