A very strange sign of the times
• I was surprised to read Sir Jonathan Miller describing Inverness Street market as something resembling a concentration camp (‘We’re sticking to our own script’, council tells writer, December 27) until I recalled the shape of the signage over the entrance.
This does indeed resemble Auschwitz- Birkenau concentration camp and the infamous slogan “Arbeit Macht Frei” (work makes you free). The sign did occur at other concentration camps but not Bergen – Belsen which was a holding camp, Cllr Campbell please note.
Ironically I can remember numerous children’s comics over the years which depicted “PARK,” “ZOO,” even “SCHOOL” with iron signs over the entrance gate. It’s more a matter of personal association.
I showed a niece a picture of Auschwitz on a digital camera recently and she thought I’d been to Tesco – indeed there is a strong resemblance in the style of lettering.
More perverse when one realises that Tesco seek concentration of everyone’s shopping through their empire.
Heath Street, NW3